Students will experience 4 different code languages during the course! The cyber point-of-view: learn and understand how hackers and security experts use coding.
TESI Operates various cyber trends and specializations at all levels, from high schools and colleges in Israel to over 120 different academic divisions. Our students are exposed to advanced technological tools, face real-world cyber challenges, practice the material in an online lab built for them by “ELTA Cyber Lab” – IAI. Students acquire tools and skills normally reserved for higher education. The program runs for a full school year but can be adapted to accommodate any duration or age from seventh grade and up.
Starting From Scratch Whether you are the technologist of the house or have just learned how to surf the Internet – our bootcamp is designed for those without a background in the field, therefore does not require prior knowledge.
TAME™ Range - Turnkey Cyber Competency Center
IAI’s TAME™ Range is an advanced cyber competency center, provided as a turnkey solution. TAME™ Range brings together four fully integrated layers that are crucial for success in the field of cyber training: